Hello, I’m Jai.

freelance writersundayskin
n. The experience you have on a particularly lovely or serendipitous day – when its events unravel organically, sweetly; and you’re filled with a sense of warmth, contentment and gratitude. Typically involves sunshine, spontaneity, and/or those you love dearly. Often occurs on a Sunday or while travelling. She loved getting lost in a new city, meandering the streets without a plan. It was then that she was most in her sundayskin. 

sundayskin is an exploration of people, culture and travel. Part journal, part stories and poetic musings, it is my reception and reflection of the world around me – much of which is experienced with a focus on the psyche and my surroundings. I often include travel tips and photographs, and love learning about and sharing the stories of how other creatives and travellers experience life too.

Want to work with me? A writer and content creator by day, I’m open to writing projects big and small. Feel free to visit my website or get in touch via hello@jaimorton.com